Happy World Teacher's Day 2020!

 Prayer for Educators against Covid-19

 Dear Lord, as the new academic year begins, grant our teachers the abundance of Your wisdom. Restore their spirit and renew their passion in learning and teaching. Nurture their love and compassion for their learners.

Transform them as they seek to transform. Guide them as they seek to guide. Open their minds and hearts as they seek to do the same. To do the work of their hands, to fulfill  Your heavenly will.

God our Father, we come to You in our need. For all educators who have contracted Covid-19, grant them Your care and healing. For all who experience fear or anxiety, give them comfort, hope and a joyful spirit. We pray for safety and protection especially for those who are vulnerable.

Grant us peace. Grant us comfort and love. Grant us healing and protection. Hold us in Your loving embrace. In the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen.

