Best Web Design Tutorial Blog Sites

Here are some sites who delivers best Web Design Tutorial Blogs :)

1. Nettuts+

Nettuts+ is a site aimed at web developers and designers offering tutorials and articles on technologies, skills and techniques to improve how you design and build websites. We cover HTML, CSS, Javascript, CMS’s, PHP and Ruby on Rails.

2. Web Designer Depot

Webdesigner Depot is an exciting platform designed to explore different web and graphic design techniques, great examples and best practices.

3. Web Designer Wall

By Nick La (@nickla), Toronto-based web designer and illustrator. Design stock icons, WordPress themes,illustrations and CSS websites.

4. Vandelay Website Design

Vandelay Website Design exists to help businesses and organizations build a stronger presence online. By working directly with clients to identify and address areas of need they are able to provide a customized experience and an end product that will produce results and lead to increased profitability.

5. Smashing Magazine

Founded in September 2006, Smashing Magazine delivers useful and innovative information to Web designers and developers. Their aim is to inform their readers about the latest trends and techniques in Web development. They try to persuade you not with the quantity but with the quality of the information they present. Smashing Magazine is and always has been independent.

6. Pro Blog Design

Love WordPress and web design. Write articles and tutorials for web designers and bloggers to help them get more from their sites. Love building stunning websites. Founded by Michael Martin in 2007.

7. Line25 Web Design Blog

Line25 was built in March 2009 by Chris Spooner, a designer with a passion for all things creative. Line25 aims to provide web design ideas and inspiration through articles, tutorials and examples of stunning site designs. Keep up to date by subscribing by RSS, Email, or join Line25 on Twitter.


  1. very useful article.. thanks for sharing...

    1. Thanks Edz, I'll be posting some useful articles about Web and Designing soon. :D

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    1. I would agree. Thanks for appreciating this post.


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